

Husband and wife duo Amarante, aka Jysi and Josh Hewitt, have been creating, recording and producing their music themselves in Fresno, CA, since 2011. Their new album Udana Prana opens the door to new musical directions, adding touches of folk and hints of acoustic pop to their subdued ambient sound.

Amarante - The Manic     

Backed by echoing guitars and understated drums, Josh and Jysi’s perfectly harmonised vocals create a warm and intimate ambiance, effortlessly drawing the listener deep into their lyrical world. Whether listening to the whole album or playing selected songs on repeat, the duo’s twinkling melodies, occasional flourishes of vocal splendor and utter sincerity are sure to delight even the most discerning

For more info, go to Amarante’s Facebook. Stream Udana Prana on SoundCloud or get your own copy on their Bandcamp.

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2 thoughts on “AMARANTE – UDANA PRANA (Indie/Folk – US)

  • I’m Loving their music! Thanks!

  • Loving their music, here in the UK (England) as well… I’m an addict! x

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